Potato Wharf, Manchester - Ref 4041
The site in the Castlefield area of central Manchester presented a challenging installation for this simple but elegant vierendeel truss bridge.
In parallel with the design work, CTS Bridges installation team co-ordinated sit visits with both the specialist haulage company and the crane company to ensure that the bridge could be delivered as a single unit. The canal side is cross-crossed with Victorian infrastructure. The route into the site was through the entrance to an underground car park and a 90 degree bend under a viaduct.
Crane selection was considered in three dimensions in order that we could provide a crane small enough to access the site and have its jib configured so as not to clash with the railway bridge above. The bridge links Potato Wharf apartments to the adjacent car park and provides a decorative termination to the end of the canal basin.
Published: Thursday, 19th February 2015 at 11:25am